BCC's draft MTB Concept Plan for Mt Coot-tha - some good for the west, mostly bad for the rest

Feedback is due in two weeks, and we think that there are major opportunities to improve this concept. In this one page diagram, we see some good ideas in the west, but it shows removal of access to over 60% of the reserve by bike for most suburbs and closure of 75% of the informal trails we campaigned to save in 2019. Overall this is a huge backwards step after three years of waiting. Through our hard work in the recovery, the community has shown it's eagerness to work constructively with council, but this draft concept plan seems like a step in the wrong direction.

Have a read of what BORRA thinks, then Have Your Say

The publishing of council’s draft Mt Coot-tha Reserve 'Concept Plan' is welcomed and it is good to see some hard thinking taking place. We particularly like the idea of linking Gap Creek and Gold Creek with a BLUE rated trail via Gillian’s Circuit. We also like the scope for improving the diversity of trails to encompass higher skilled riders. Converting more trails to one way also helps with higher use.

What we cannot accept is the wholesale closing of Area C on the concept. The trails in this area have been around for decades (with several on the current BCC track map), they are generally low speed technical trails not seen anywhere else in the park. These trails are a valuable asset to the mountain bike community and many believe that they should be protected as part of the heritage of the area - many have been around for decades. These trails form part of a larger loop for extended rides and also provide a vital access from the south east corner of the park.

The plan entirely misses the mark on Access Trails. There are many important reasons that Brisbane residents need to be able to Ride to the Ride, rather than drive and park. BORRA shared ideas for the Concept Plan over 12 months ago and has always championed access from the South East (Chapel Hill) as well as the North East (Bardon), plus two points of Safe Access from Sir Samuel Griffith Drive. These linkages to surrounding suburbs make Mt Coot-tha far more accessible to riders from all over Brisbane. The white boxes overlayed on the concept diagram show some of BORRA's ideas for access from all corners.

It is good to see some plans for trails on the Eastern side of Area A in the plan. However, the arbitrary line marking the South East border of Area A excludes a more gentle slope further east which would be perfect for an easy (GREEN) beginner descent and a more moderate climb to the trail head.

We have sought further discussion with council about what is possible in Area B. It is difficult to provide feedback on Area B with the lack of detail presented in this concept, however it is clear that wholesale exclusion of some dedicated mountain bike trails in this area will not be acceptable to the community. The subsequent update indicates that the informal trails in this area will be removed.

It's important to recall the letter from the Lord Mayor in July 2019, where Adrian Schrinner stated that there would be no wholesale removal of trails and that council would endeavour to work constructively with the community. We hope that the Lord Mayor upholds this promise, and that this consultation process is genuine. This draft 'concept plan' and the subsequent update published by Council declares that wholesale closure is imminent for Area B and C. Council have confirmed that they plan to remove 100% of trails in Area C. That's wholesale removal.

We will continue to analyse the concept plan against the ideas BORRA presented to council in 2021 and share more insight on specific areas of the concept when we've got it. In the meantime, if you aren't ready to complete the council survey, please email your thoughts to the BORRA committee on hello@borra.org

Thank you for reading this long post. Please be respectful with your feedback.

If you are ready to provide feedback to council - hit this link: qrcc.me/rjret5dsk964

Dan Crawford


Brisbane Off-Road Riders Alliance

Dan Crawford